Once Upon a Time...
There was a young girl who dreamed of marrying the man of her dreams, dressed in a most beautiful dress of all the land. Everyone would come to celebrate the event with this girl as they were happy to see her so happy with love and joy. Everyone would stare at her as she walked up to her prince with cordial delight, they would all comment 'Oh my isn't she the most beautiful beauty of them all'...
Now back to reality.. hah
Ever since I was a little girl I was in search for the man of my dreams.. some dark handsome doctor was the type of man I had decided I would like to marry at aged 3.... lol
He's not a doctor but he is dark, handsome and the most amazing man I have ever meet in my entire life. I am so blessed to be marrying my best friend, my hero, my love, and the person who has always supported me in what ever I would like to do with out any hesitations.
And I know he loves me for who I am, thick of thin.....
Yet I never expected to be this 'thick' for my wedding which has been one of my main motivators for the 10 week challenge. I want to be the princess at my wedding not the pumpkin :)
You are my princess Kas and you will always be :) ... Tarek