Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 2 : Day 2


Still adjusting to waking up earlier and coordinating my time so I can catch the 230 bus into work. Started the day with a blend of oats, one small banana, stevia and water. Was quite appetizing, and allot better and easier to eat that traditional porridge!

(Second day of the lean and clean diet program.)

Water: 2 Liters ( trying to get to 3.....!).
Exercise: Sculpt Class, Pure Skip Class + 10 min on Treadmill + Ball exercise.
Work out Energy Level: 9/10.
Mood: Feeling a bit tired.. I think adjusting to the new diet.
Encouragement: Just got a little mention from Pure on their face book page! Feeling pretty good.. and It's good to see others encouraging you and noticing your efforts. :)

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