Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week 2 : Day 5

Good day at the gym, trained mid morning with Anthony... Did really well and pushed myself really far. It's really hard work! as I was reminded by my PT trainer.. lol nothing comes easy especially when were talking kg's lost.

Even did some running on the treadmill which I was hesitant to do and didn't think I would be able to.. I feel allot more confident now in myself and my abilities seeing that I can push myself that little bit further to pick up a good pace to run. (ps when I say run I kinda mean fast jogging :P)

I also did my strength test for the challenge. I did about 20 (girl) push ups in 1 minute and then about 6 seconds in the plank position... which almost literally killed me.. I think I have a hernia now. lol

Water: 2.5 Liters
Exercise: 20 minute walk around my local area + 30 min training session with Anthony my personal trainer from PURE health club
Work out Energy Level: 6-7/10
Mood: Really good!
Encouragement: 3 people supporting my blog... ( ok so... It's my fiance, my mum and my best friend.. lol thanks for being so awesome! ) x

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