Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 3: Day 3

Broccoli Soup...

So.. plain old broccoli is starting to get a bit boring! so I bought myself a heap of mushrooms and broccoli and started to make a little 'what ya call it broccoli soup special' lol! Just finished cooking it and then blended it all up in the mixer and put into little portion size tubs for the morning. Fingers crossed it's edible! If it tastes any good tomorrow I'll post you the recipe here.

Had a really good day, I'm feeling really good about myself and I'm feeling so positive about all the new changes in my life... My work pants are getting bigger on me! and also my face feels fresher and I look a lot more 'alert' and healthy!

'Ally' a girl I meet at the gym today who is doing the 10 week challenge ( and also won the last challenge at the gym) commented on my appearance as well.. saying I look more fresh and healthy. This new lifestyle is not only good from the weigh loss perspective but flushing the impurities through my skin with the perspiration... is obviously helping my appearance too :)

Was booked in for a new personal trainer tonight a step up on my training, would like to do 2 personal training sessions a week if I can make it! Tonight I was training with Ryan.. went well.. he introduced some new leg lunges while pressing weights up above your head as you come up.. yip that was hard! lol

Water: 2.5 Liters
10 min fast power walk on the treadmill, 30 min PT session with Ryan.
Work out Energy Level:
Mood: Determined!
Encouragement: While I was working with Ryan today on the treadmill I got a MASSIVE cramp in the back of my leg.. I thought it best to power on and try to walk it out.. no matter how painful. and it was - but it worked! I feel really good that I was able to push myself through the pain... mind over matter and determination!

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