Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 2 : Day 3


Today I woke up so sore! My thigh muscles and upper abdominal muscles are in pain BIG time. Every step I take when I place my leg down to walk I can feel each fibre of my muscles ripple up my leg as the contract to take another step... intense!

By about mid morning I began to love this pain... When you feel this way its a good feeling a little addictive.. you actually feel 'alive' and that this tool (your body) is working and you can feel it working. I decided to embrace this pain and enjoy it.. When you start to get allot fitter you recover quicker and have less pain as your body gets stronger... so I'm making a conscious decision to enjoy the journey while I can!

Today I also caught up with a dear friend of mine Tam, she recently got accepted into a Broadway scholarship in New York City starting next year! Very exciting for her! Tam is such a dear friend I love her to bits, and is so talented and inspiring... We are going to do a heap of walks around the city starting Wednesday week.. should be great and It's awesome to have a good friend support you like this. :) Love ya hun xo

Water: 2 Liters
Exercise: -
Work out Energy Level: 6/10
Mood: Sore! bit tired
Encouragement: Met up with a fantastic friend of mine Tam shes always inspiring and motivating we are catching up Wednesday week to walk along the river and do some stair work!

1 comment:

  1. Aww love you too hun! Just so proud of you! So glad we FINALLY caught up and I can't wait to get these walks happening (and we'll check out the Kangaroo Point stairs... they are like hell - but so worth it!) Keep it us Kass, we believe in you!
